
"the right thing" is overrated
Our presentations make clear: we ought to strive to be the right sort of person, rather than to do the right sort of thing. Optimism toward ourselves requires thinking differently about what others think of us. This means reorienting our expectations for ourselves, redefining "recovery", and reframing our attitude toward heartache and shame.
“Then birds flew up like a shower of sparks, I followed them with my eyes and saw how they rose in a single breath, until they seemed no longer to be rising but I to be falling..." Franz Kafka, The Metamorphosis

never go unnoticed again
Our audiences range in number from a mere few to several hundred. We tailor our messages to the needs and interests of our clients and offer our presentations in a variety of formats, including keynote and conference addresses, workshops, and virtual seminars. In addition, we offer formal, individualized training to those wishing to hone their public and interpersonal speaking skills.